Thursday, September 2, 2021

August 2021


WEEK 1 (August 1st - 7th)

WEEK 2 (Aug 8th - 14th )


WEEK 3 (Aug 15th - 21st)

ward campout

WEEK 4 (Aug 22nd - 28th)

father's day

WEEK 4.5 (Aug 29th - 31st) -

July 2021


WEEK 1 (July 1st - 3rd)

WEEK 2 (July 4th - 10th)

WEEK 3 (July 11th - 17th)

WEEK 4 (July 18th - 24th)

WEEK 5 (July 25th - 31st) -

June 2021


WEEK 1 (June 1st - 5th)

WEEK 2 (June 6th - 12th)


WEEK 3 (June 13th - 19th)

ward campout

WEEK 4 (June 20th - 26th)

father's day

WEEK 4.5 (June 27th - 30th) -

May 2021


 WEEK 1 (MAY 1ST - 8TH) - Birthday month is upon us.  Dallin has only been asking for about 2 months now when his birthday is. May 1st Ava and I were in Utah at a vb tournament so these three and Jed went out to Osgood to check cows.  It was a windy, dusty day but they still found this desert lizard.

Monday night we went out to dinner to celebrate the boys' birthday.  We went early so Grandma and Grandpa Foster could come with us before they left to Hawaii, but Grandma couldn't end up coming down.  I thought the boys would love watching the fire as the chef cooked our meal.  They thought it was pretty cool, but none of the kids really liked the food.  Ava liked the sushi but not the grilled food.
Afterward I had to take Ava to volleyball practice.  As I was driving home I turned onto 4200 from the highway to Ririe and saw the most incredible view of the western sky as the sun was setting. 
One day it rained pretty much the whole day.  Kinsley played outside in the rain and got really wet so she was cold and thought she'd warm up if she put on every piece of pjs she had.  Well of course the boys had to follow suit and then sumo wrestle.  The weather was really crazy - one day rain, one day pretty cold, the next day warm enough for Ava to decide to read outside. 

Today there was a shooting at the middle school.  My friend texted me asking if my kids were ok and then I started getting texts from the school saying there was an "incident".  It was a 6th grade girl that had a kill list and she showed up with 5-6 guns in her bag.  Two students were shot as well as the janitor.  Kasen was home doing his online classes so he was safe, but the entire school was in lockdown and then released.  We couldn't even believe it - in Rigby?! Thursday was Dallin's spring recital where all the Let's Play Music kids could show off their skills for parents and family.  Dallin was excited about it all day.  We didn't know if it would still happen with the shooting, but the teacher said we needed the happiness today after everything with the shooting.  We practiced his songs lots of time.  He was so energetic and wiggly as he sang each song.  One of the things I love most about Dallin is how he wears his enthusiasm in every detail of his facial expressions.  I hope he never loses that.  It was really fun for him to be in Jaxon's class this year.  Jaxon has started coming around to enjoying Dallin's company I think!

This Saturday was Kasen's 13th birthday but he went with Jed to his conference in Boise Thursday - Saturday.  It ended up being a good thing because I wasn't sure how I would get everywhere on Saturday with Jed gone and make his birthday fun.  While in Boise Kasen and Jed went to the Nike store, a steakhouse for Kasen's bday dinner, and Kasen went to basketball games with Tresa and Jeff.  They also got to see little baby Trae Ball.  Before they came home they drove through our old neighborhood in Meridian and out past our Eagle property.  They said it has grown and changed a ton! So many people everywhere.  With Kasen gone, I took the kids to Pocatello Friday night for Ava's pool play.  Saturday morning I went to the stake women's conference where I had a part.  I had to share a way I let God prevail in my life.  I spoke about daily repentance and how that let's me let God prevail.  Then I raced home and took Kinsley and Dallin to G/G Erickson's house to play with their Kay cousins while I raced down to Pocatello to watch Ava's final day of club volleyball.  She had been texting that they were playing so good all day, but when I showed up they stopped doing good.  They ended up losing in the championship game.  All the girls were so rude and pouty.  When one parent asked for a picture they all complained.  Then after the picture they walked to their cars.  Not a word was said about it being the end of club season.  Not a "hey way to go everybody".  It was weird and actually kind of a fitting ending to this season.  These girls were not nice and very drama-esque and I'm glad Ava will hopefully never have to play with them again. 

Kasen and Jed got home about 10:30pm on Saturday but we waited up so we could celebrate on Kasen's actual bday.  He was so excited to show us his new shoes that he picked out while in Boise.  He also got a new basketball, some roping pants and new boots, and some comic books Ava picked out for him.  Ava is always a great gift giver! Kasen was really into the supermodel pose tonight and with his boots on he is almost as tall as Ava.

Ava wanted to make the boys' cakes this year and for Kasen she made a 6-pack cake since Kasen is always talking about his 6 pack.

Kasen is definitely a great kid.  We can't believe we now have two teenagers in the house.  Some funny things about Kasen right now are "hey mom", his obsession with Nike shoes, dimples, and voice changes.  He is a great brother and son.

WEEK 2 (MAY 9TH - 15TH) - Mother's day was another special day.  Kinsley and Dallin woke up early and made me breakfast in bed. Dallin colored a picture for me in primary.  Ava gave me a gift certificate to get my nails done.  She said, "It's a place in Rigby and it's a little ghetto, but you have an appointment on Tues."  She arranged the whole thing which was super sweet of her.  Kasen and Jed had picked out some things from the Nike store for me.  It was a sweet day and they all made me feel appreciated.

Monday was Dallin's 5th birthday.  I can't believe it.  This last year has just flown by.  Rigby was having a community event to bring unity after the shooting so Kasen, Kinsley, Dallin, and I went to it.  There were a lot of people there and it I told Dallin the whole community wanted to have a birthday party for him!

Ava's cake for Dallin was a Tiger which was perfect.  We had a little birthday party and everyone came over to watch him open presents.  He got a tree house toy that had wooden animals, water guns, new shoes, and a comic book of Calvin & Hobbes (little blond boy with imaginary friend Tiger) from AvaDallin is a one of a kind kid.  He is usually very happy and animated.  He loves his family and his best friend Claw. 

This weekend was the fathers/sons campout for our ward.  Kasen and Dallin were so excited.  They took the trailer and headed out Friday night.  So it was just the girls for the night.  We ordered Papa Kelsey's and chilled together.

WEEK 3 (MAY 16TH - 22ND) - Another week down!  Can't believe how fast they go.  The kids are always learning and growing.  Ava taught herself how to make macaroons, Kasen had his invention exhibit for GT, Kinsley got her hair chopped to donate!

Ava decided to take a job for the summer at Huck's Square Ice Cream in Swan Valley.  The Berry's recently purchased the gas station and they offered Ava a job.  It will be quite a commute, but she is excited.  Saturday was her training day so we went to Swan Valley for the day while she was at her training.  We brought some salt up for the cows and Kasen did his 2 mile run for PE. That night we went out to G/G Ericksons because Jason, Gini, and Lillia came up to visit Evan's grave this weekend.  We spent the night talking and catching up.

WEEK 4  (MAY 23RD - 31ST) - Last week of school!  Google photos sent me these with the caption "5 years ago this week".  So much can change in 5 years.

I forget how creative my kids are sometimes.  One day Kinsley decided to make a stuffed koala and she did it all by herself with lots of tape.  Dallin got inspired and made a pet platypus he now calls Platy that he packs around everywhere.
Kinsley had field day on Wednesday.  All kids from the Virtual Academy were invited.  They had a lot of fun activities.  Sometimes I wonder if virtual school was a good idea for Kinsley.  I definitely feel like I failed her in all the fun I said we would have with her staying home. 
I took a chance this week and got my hair done - it's been about 1.5 years since I even had a trim so it was definitely time.  The lady did my hair a lot lighter than expected so it will take some getting used to.  Ava had an eye appointment and it was the first one in a few years that her prescription hasn't gotten worse! 

Friday was the kids' last day of school!  I feel like I sort of failed Dallin as well when it came to homeschool preschool.  Luckily he is a smart kid like his siblings and he picks up on things really fast.  They are all going to school next year.  Dallin will be in the Chinese immersion program.  I would say everyone changed quite a bit this year.  Ava hasn't grown much but she looks older, Kasen probably changed the most and grew the most, Kinsley looks a little more grown up, and Dallin grew but luckily still looks like a kid.  The rest are trying to grow out of the kid stage on me!

Friday afternoon we also met family to visit the graves.  Malorie's family was up for the weekend.  We went to the Idaho Falls cemetery first to honor our Manwaring side of the family.  Both Ava and Kasen had last day of school parties they wanted to attend so they weren't with us.  Grandma Foster had flags for everyone and she asked Heath to lead us all in the Pledge of Allegiance and she told us about her parents.
Then we drove back to Rigby to Pioneer Cemetery to honor our Foster side of the family.  Marilyn met us there and Grandma had a balloon for everyone to release.  One of Grandma Melba's famous sayings was "Keep Your Rows Straight" so we said "5-6-7-8 Keep your rows straight" and released the balloons.  Then we walked over to the Dewain Foster Memorial park.  I am so very blessed to have such an amazing heritage.
Saturday morning we headed up to the ranch.  We spent the majority of the day working on projects.  We cleaned out the garage and hauled a huge pile away to the dump, burned a huge pile of garbage, and sorted and organized Grandma's stuff. Another group - mostly the men and Kasen and Heath - helped build new fences and corrals.  Then they had a burn pile and Grandpa tore up some concrete.  We had to move some cows to the front pasture as well.  We spent 7 hours working but it was really fun and reminded me of growing up and spending the weekends with cousins working on the farm.
There was also lots of fun though.  The kids played all day so well together. Ava worked all day at the ice cream shop and Kasen worked with the men but the little kids had so much fun together.
Mid-day we did take a break to go see Ava at work and get the world famous square ice cream.  It had been super busy today and we were just another rush of customers.  When we show up for ice cream we really show up.  It is so fun to see how many grandkids there are!  Afterward Ava just wanted to hold baby Cash and read!
 That evening we had a Memorial day bbq and smores roasting.  It was a wonderful day and I felt so much gratitude to live in a beautiful place where we enjoy so much freedom and peace.  

Sunday we went out to Lewisville to honor our Erickson side of the family.  Evan's grave was level and they plan to order a headstone this next year. It still seems surreal that he has been gone for 9 months.
Monday - the offical Memorial Day holiday - found us back in Swan Valley.  Ava had another day of work and since it was a busy driving weekend we took her back up and went to the ranch to have fun.  Sydnee was the only family up there because Mal had left about noon.  So the kids had a little more time to play together.  I think they could play all day everyday together though.